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2012 Google Panda Search Quality Highlights Change

Google 二月份更新了40项搜索质量相关的更新。紧接着三月份又更新了50项

二月份的有一项关于链接分析的, 大致是说 Google 去除了一项评估和分析链接的算法.

Link evaluation. We often use characteristics of links to help us figure out the topic of a linked page. We have changed the way in which we evaluate links; in particular, we are turning off a method of link analysis that we used for several years. We often rearchitect or turn off parts of our scoring in order to keep our system maintainable, clean and understandable.

三月份的 Google 算法对锚文本做了比较大的变化,Searchengineland 指出了两个比较重要的关于锚文本的处理调整更好的诠释和使用的锚文本

There are two items on the list that make specific reference to how Google processes anchor text. Here they are, word-for-word from the announcement:

Tweaks to handling of anchor text.
[launch codename “PC”] This month we turned off a classifier related to anchor text (the visible text appearing in links). Our experimental data suggested that other methods of anchor processing had greater success, so turning off this component made our scoring cleaner and more robust.

Better interpretation and use of anchor text. We’ve improved systems we use to interpret and use anchor text, and determine how relevant a given anchor might be for a given query and website.


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